We’ll begin our study of algorithms in a practical way, looking at four problems and multiple algorithmic solution for each problem. This lets us begin with one of the most important ideas in our field: not only are there many ways to solve a problem, but some solutions - we’ll see - can be much more efficient than others.

First example: Factorial

# iteration
def factorial( n ):
    r = 1
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        r *= i
    return r

>>> factorial(5)

# tail recursion
def factorial2( n , a ):

    if n == 1:

       return a


      return factorial2(n - 1, a * n)     

>>>n = 5

# recursion
def factorial3( n ):

    if n == 1:
       return 1
       return n * factorial3(n - 1)

# Divide et Impera O(n log n) Time Complexity          
def factorial4( first, last ):

    if first == last:
       return first
        middle = (first + last) >> 1   
        a = factorial4(first, middle)
        b = factorial4(middle + 1, last)
        return a * b

>>> factorial4(1, 5)

Second example: Fibonacci

Third example: Euclid

The fourth example: Permutation

The fifth example: Golbach s Conjecture

The sixth example: Sequence Collatz